Uist is a mostly treeless landscape with only small plantations, a single tree here and there that has set seed against the odds, battered by the Atlantic winds and bleached by the sun they can produce the most wonderful shapes sometimes only a few branches bloom, coming back year after year, the rest has succumbed, the dead wood plays host to moses and lichens, they remind me so much of my culture and language.
The beautiful calligraphic gesture of your tree image testifies to the struggle of wood against the elements and is a perfect metaphor for growth and endurance. The negative spaces are incredibly strong compositional elements,as well, and remind me of the tree journey in the art of Mondrian. He painted descriptively at first, then as his work became more abstract, the negative spaces gained huge power, so that ultimately, they held bright colors in those black grids that we know so well. We discover that those grids are evolutions of his initial branch images and the color blocks, are in fact,the negative spaces between them.
I have tried so many times to take a picture like this one you have here. How did you do it??? I think trees are such a great subject for photography. This photo is so beautiful and peaceful.
This simple composition definitely express the landscape you expressed in your artist statement.
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